Classes, apprenticeships and individual coaching to educate, inspire, and help you grow
Classes and workshops
Learn about metaphysics, spirituality, and the energetic and healing arts! My offering is a mixture of live workshops and pre-recorded classes that you can watch at your own pace. Get inspired and learn practical skills you can put to use every day to help consciously manifest the life you desire.
Magicka Apprenticeship
Botanical Mystery School Teachings
12 months of plant spirit medicine and magick
Take a deep dive into the world of plant magick, based on Botanical Mystery School teachings.
My year-long, Materia Magicka apprenticeship takes you on a personal journey to meet 12 plants in all their different forms, on all levels — physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic.
You’ll learn how to connect with the energy and spirit of each plant, and work with them in partnership to help consciously manifest your desires.
Private Mentorship + Natural Health Coaching
My private mentorship and natural health coaching programs offer you the opportunity to take a deeper dive into your specific areas of interest. These programs are offered on a one-on-one basis, and are specifically tailored to your unique needs.
Let me share my experience with you
I have nearly 30 years of experience working in the esoteric, spiritual, and healing arts. Learn more about me.
My goal is to provide you with super sensible and highly accessible instruction in a variety of areas, to help you consciously manifest the life you desire!
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